Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing is a system of attaining and promoting wholeness of mind, body, and spirit combined as a unit. In energy medicine, the body’s energy system known as chakras. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit Chakra (Hindu) meaning “wheel” or “circle” or the “Wheel of Life.” Chakras are the wheels of energy throughout the body. This unseen energy called prana is our vital life force energy that keeps us vibrant, active, healthy, and physically and emotionally alive. All living creatures have chakras.
Chakra Balancing Gemstone Set
Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing is a system of attaining and promoting wholeness of mind, body, and spirit combined as a unit. In energy medicine, the body’s energy system known as chakras. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit Chakra (Hindu) meaning “wheel” or “circle” or the “Wheel of Life.” Chakras are the wheels of energy throughout the body. This unseen energy called prana is our vital life force energy that keeps us vibrant, active, healthy, and physically and emotionally alive. All living creatures have chakras.
9 in stock
Clear Quartz- crown chakra
*Amethyst or Labradorite- third eye chakra
*Blue apatite or Blue Calcite- throat chakra
*Rose Quartz or Green Calcite- heart chakra
*Citrine or Zebradorite- solar plexus chakra
Carnelian- Sacral chakra
*Tourmaline or Red Jasper-root chakra
*depending upon current stock
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